Saturday, 13 July 2013

Outgoing Minister of Transport: I will not be working in the government Beblawy

Sources close to Dr. Hatem Abdel-Latif, Minister of Transport with the ministers resigned the 9 Brotherhood, Abdel-Latif refuses to work in the government Dr. Hazem Beblawy or continue in office Almsagal him as minister of transport.

The sources told the "seventh day" that Abdul Latif assured her refusing to work in the government Beblawy, and that he will not give up the return of Dr. Mohamed Morsi, for his first as a condition to accept to continue as minister of transport, pointing out that it did not offer him a Council of Ministers working government Beblawy but he will reject in the display case.

The sources confirmed that Abdel-Latif assured her that he would not accept the work came from the government through a military coup, and that he would not agree to be minister for transport only after the return of the Anchorage office as the legitimate president-elect, and in the words of Abdul Latif sources.

The sources confirmed again that he is unlikely to introduce the Council of Ministers Abdul Latif continue in his position as minister of transport, especially that Abdul Latif did not achieve any achievement during his time in the ministry, except he replaced the leaders of the ministry Mountmin of the group, pointing out that the ministry has seen while a large number of the crisis and the deterioration in their various sectors.

Source: Seventh Day

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